Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Secret way to Double the traffic to your myspace account

You can see the actual pictures on my myspace profile: but, in short, tweaking your profile picture's dimensions will make you stand out much more when online. I'm talking about a huge traffic increase here!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The miracle of adobe photoshop

Add an awesome face shot of yourself to a personal ad, and you will find that your lame portfolio of ass and tit shots is all of a sudden generating you a lot of money! 

The decision whether or not to call an escort is an emotional one - lack of a face shot in the portfolio makes guys uneasy and reduces the interest people show in you. A photo like this can double your business overnight.

Worried you look bad? You don't, your just be overly critical of yourself (a common thing all models do). Positive you look bad? Than email me - I'll shoot and photoshop a picture of you that will be worthy of the frontpage of Cosmo.

Hotter online Pics thanks to photoshop

Your a smart cookie. You know that with personal advertisements - looks are EVERYTHING.  Don't cut your popularity in half by resorting to baggy clothes or repetitious poses - you aren't fooling anyone. 

The best way to hide your love handles is in plain sight. Introducing the magic of adobe photoshop! Seriously, with photoshop, I can make you butt naked, look like your 12 years old, look like your 85 years old or make you look like your blowing your dad.  Look how you want to look!

A good modeling portfolio = 20% camera work   and 80% digital editing with photoshop. For escorts that want to post their photo's and sell their ass for money- you must protect yourself against blackmail by bluring your face.  The alternative is having your naked ass pop up on the internet 5 years from now whenver someone google's your name (google is soon going to be using facial recognition).

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Protecting escort's from facial recognition

If you are selling erotic services, you will need the assistance of a graphic artist to doctor your Images. Why? Because unless you don't mind people digging up nude photo's of yourself 10 years from now; it is crucial that you blur the top part of your face in every picture. 

Google and Microsoft are both improving their facial recognition technologies and are already starting to return search results for people based on what their face loooks like. This means that any naked pictures of you floating around online will no longer be anonymous. 

So, stay safe and make sure that your upper face is either blurred with photoshop or covered with rediculously large sunglasses so that Google can't measure the distance between your eyeballs (which is how facial recognition roughly works). Hence, you need someone with adobe photoshop to doctor up your final photos (a good idea in any case).

Don't even try to cut corners by just including body shots in your ads. Even though you may still be getting business, the percieved value of your services will be lowered thus making it difficult for you to charge as much as you deserve.

Want me to doctor your photo's for you for free? - Than send me an email with your portfolio included. I'm open to a trade :)

Getting on board an Emerging market

Online Adult Personals will soon account for a significant portion of the US GDP and is a very soft and easy market to break into if you have some marketing savvy. The easiest market to break into is the erotic services business as it has recieved the least ammount of attention from professional marketer's and Information architects. Thats why I'm starting an online marketing and management service for models and adult workers: its an easy way to make tons of money.

If you are an absolutely gorgeous model, yet you are getting the same business as your butt ugly competitors - YOU are doing something wrong. Contact me and I will bring you the business your looks warrant and make sure that you get paid for it.

Girls looking sexier though photography and photoshop